Empowerment $aga Comic Book Series are FREE downloads:
Journey of Trade
Quest for a Job
Adventures in Banking
Exploring a New Frontier
A Loan or Not a Loan
The Choice
Coloring Book
TIME: 1.5 hr per comic subject
The Empowerment $aga is a series of six stories to engage youth 14-18 years of age in developing basic financial skills so they will learn how to build and preserve their own financial wealth. These stories, offered in colorful comic-style graphics, are reservation-based in order to bring "home" to Native youth the message of handling their finances from an early age. The project was funded by the department of Interior. The comics are free downloads.
The workshop can be broken down into subjects- savings, learning about job hunting, exploring the world of credit both good and bad loans and the consequences of choices.
For pricing contact Rose Red Elk redfw2013@gmail.com
Book 1: Journey of Trade - Introduces the four shape-shifters as well as the main characters of Shining Star her father Bear; her grandmother, Light Woman. the story moves back and forth in time, showing readers how the past influences the present.
Book 2: Quest for a Job - Shining Star wants a car and learns her family cannot afford to buy one for her. She will have to get a job and learn responsibility. Quest for a Job uses the personal misadventures of Shining Star's father, Bear and of her grandmother, Light Woman. This teaches her the importance of saving and planning for financial responsibility.
Book 3: Adventures in Banking - finds the teens learning about bank accounts and financial services while experiencing a bank robbery. The shape shifters come to the rescue as the exciting capture of the robber and the teens learn that today's banking tools accomplish the same things as their ancestors' tools did.
Book 4: Exploring a New Frontier - Credit Demonstrates the importance of wise credit choices and the dangers of bad choices, as Jay, Shining Star's friend, encounter the threatening loan sharks and their frightening tactics.
Book 5: A Loan or Not a Loan? - reveals the consequences of borrowing money from the wrong people, repaying loans, and the importance of community involvement in the local economy. Examples of characters from the past demonstrate how to thrive in the present.
Book 6: The Choice - demonstrates the perils and rewards of making the right life choices. And how traditional values can help with those choices in order to thrive.
Empowerment $aga Coloring Book - 10 page book for smaller children.
Stress Management using Native American Medicine and Meditations
Time: 3 hrs
Using Native American teachings and philosophy - Each student will experience finding and understanding the energy within, and how to practice the ability to manage stress. They would learn different stories that correlate with the teachings and visualations. Also herbs, stones and stories & music.Performance would be a combination of traditional oral stories and my contemporary music, I would include this in between teaching the workshop.
How to Make a Lakota Dream Catcher
This is workshop, the student will learn how to weave with artificial sinew. I furnish all the materials for a 5” dream catcher.
Materials included in kit and class
Artificial Sinew, real leather, 5" metal hoop, feathers, fetish and pony beads.
The art of Storytelling — Through the art of storytelling, we can convey important ways, using storytelling as a teaching tool. In todays world we are inundated with storytelling. The key is to choose which medium to learn from. This workshop will help learning how to use storytelling as a teacher, using creativity and your life experiences.
Storytelling and Musical Performance
Oral, spoken word storytelling accompanied by music is Red Feather Woman’s passion. Her stories are a blend of medicine stories, stories spiritual in nature and learning tools. She will engage the audience to participate in a song “Keepers of the Earth.” If there is room afterward, she leads the group in a social dance, called “round dance”.
Entertainment - Education - Enrich – Enlighten
Cultural Diversity
Breaking the Stereotypes
The importance of respecting the Earth
Medicine Wheel Colors - A gift for all Nations
This ancient story explains the four medicine colors primarily from the Plains Indians. Each Nation has a gift, Red Man, White Man, Yellow Man and Black Man.
The Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman
Where the Chunupa (peace pipe) comes from- gift from Creator to the Lakota (Sioux) nation.
Wind Eagle – Where the wind comes from
A story with humor, on how our environment is connected to all elements.
Legend of the Lakota Dream Catcher
Several tribes have stories; this one is from the Lakota people, on the origin of the dream catcher and the medicine man who received it.
Star Man - Story of a Cree Medicine Man
Teaches how having faith in ourselves to be brave to serve.
Red Feather Woman is also a songwriter, and has written songs to accompany each story. Currently, she has four CD’s with a combination of oral stories, and contemporary music. Two Cd’s have won Native American Music Awards, 2008 & 2014. The lastest release, November 1, 2021, “Keepers of the Wisdom-Healing Stories & Guided Meditations”
1 – 45 min time duration
Key Note Speaking & Motivational Speaking
Performing Arts Complexes
Duo-Native American Flute and RFW guitar
Band and Dancers- exhibition plains dancing
With visual slide show
<Note, most venues can be with any of the above>
Corporate Events
Reception entertainment
Special holidays
Banquet entertainment
Key Note speaking
University Events
Key Note speaking- lecture
Multicultural Events
Native American Heritage Months entertainment
Special Events
NOTE: Package Deal- concert, assemblies-lecture-workshop whatever their needs are:
Schools, Elementary and High school
Colleges& trade schools
Music Festivals
Museum Entertainment
Corporate Events-multicultural concert
House Concerts
Storytelling Festivals
Pow Wows
Private gatherings
Boy Scouts-Cub Scouts
Senior Homes