Monday Afternoon Webinar
Sponsoring Site – On Campus
Webinar Theme: The Power of Sharing History Through Storytelling In Collaboration with OLLI at DU Diversity and Inclusivity Committee
Magic of Storytelling — Messages from the Ancestors January 9th Speaker: Rose Red Elk aka Red Feather Woman
The art of storytelling is a magic that most of us all have within. Our lives are a story. Our ances- tors were the masters who paved the way for teaching through oral storytelling. The legends of our creation, learning about life, death and mysteries were taught through the process of stories. This webinar will give examples of some of these ancient stories. For Rose Red Elk, uplifting and healing her audiences through storytelling, writing, and music is at the heart of her artistic mission.
Red Feather Woman, aka Rose Red Elk, is originally from Ft. Peck Reservation, from Eastern Mon- tana and enrolled member of the Assiniboine/Sioux Tribes. Rose is a Traditional Native American storyteller, contemporary musician, singer songwriter and author. Two of her four albums have won Native American Awards for Spoken Word 2005, and Best Folk Recording, 2014. She has toured internationally as well as throughout the US. She blends the old with the new, as she weaves the oral tradition of Native American stories with her original music. A gifted storyteller, she will enlighten, educate, and entertain her audiences. Her most important duty is the preservation of an ancient cul- ture for future generations. Her degrees are in business, electronics technology, and sociology. www.